Coca-Cola top brand for 11th year in a row

Brand value estimated at $70.5b.
Coca-Cola has retained its position at the top of Interbrand’s ranking of the world’s best brands for the 11th consecutive year with Sprite making its first appearance on the list at 61.
The 2010 report estimates Coca-Cola’s brand value to be at $70.5 billion.
Interbrand is a leading brand consultancy firm and comes out with a report of the best global brands every year.
“The number one brand for the 11th year in a row makes the Coca-Cola brand central to its business operations,” said the report. Established in 1886, The Coca-Cola Company operates in more than 200 countries and markets nearly 500 brands and more than 3,000 beverage products.
Published in The Express Tribune, September 24th, 2010.

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